
Coleman and Associates offers consultations to determine if legal services are even necessary. The consultation fee of $50 and is credited towards the account if retained. Consultations are by appointment only and we will do our best to schedule you to talk to an experienced law attorney as soon as possible. Consultations are during normal business hours. If you are unable to make your appointment, please notify us within 24 hours.

What to Bring to Consultation

Please download our Interview Sheet and fill it out prior to your consultation. Also bring all documents and evidence relating to your case as well as anything else you feel is valid. It is best to have the most information so that it can be assessed to offer you the best possible course of action as it relates to your case.


Mediation is a process that involves a trained mediator who encourages both sides to discuss problem areas and helps you work together to find mutually acceptable solutions. Mediation is an opportunity for parties to coimmunicate and resoolve claims and disputes in a nuetral, open, safe and friendly setting. Through communication, the parties can resolve most, if not all issues between them. As for the mediators, they are not in the business of taking sides, rather they are there to aid both sides in finding a common ground that works for everyone.

In contested divorces, a nuetral mediator not affiliated with either attorney in the case may be approached for a mediation session. Each party will pay their portion of the mediation cost and the agreement, if reached, will be submitted to the court. Some judges in divorce casdes may require a mediation before trial.

At Coleman and Associates, Mediation is a fee of $375 per party. An uncontested mediated divorce is the easiest and most inexpensive way to get a divorce in Texas. Call, or email Coleman and Associates for more information.


P: 713.290.1191 F: 713.290.1088


401 Studewood, Suite 206, Houston, TX 77077